Darvazeh Arg

Darvazeh Arg


Darvazeh Arg

Few Clouds

Darvazeh Arg, one of the Semnan architectural masterpieces, is related to Bahman Mirza Bahaodole reign, son of Fath Ali Shah Qajar, and according to its inscription, it was built during the reign of Nasereddin Shah Qajar and the reign of Anushirvan Mirza, the ruler of Semnan, Damghan, Shahrood and Bastam in 1302 AH.

Current Darvazeh Arg, was the north gate of Arg state in old Semnan of which nothing remained now.

The main building is made of brick and its most important feature is historical images of Rustam and White Div battle on seven-color tile in entrance gate.

This gate has both northern and southern facades the north facade is more beautiful and more attractive than the southern one. The tiles south facade is more detailed with respect to the use of seven-color tile decorations than the north facade and also has a beautiful decorative minaret. The doors of Darvazeh Arg are formed by thick wood with metal nails.

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