
Sistan and Baluchestan Province
Time Zone


Few Clouds

Zahedan is a new city located at 517 km east of Kerman and also near to Pakistan with the height of 1385 m above the sea level. Zahedan is surrounded by height lands and it is seen as a pit. Oshtoran Koh, Anjir Dan, Jico, Pir Khan and Mulk-e Siah mountains are located in this city.

The most significant characteristics of this area are the intense heat, arid and warm climate. Zahedan consists of 4 parts, “Markazi“, “Mir Jave “,”Nosrat Abad“, ”Korin“, three cities and 8 rural districts.

This city possesses service structure and it is an academic, cultural, historical and religious city. Zahedan enjoys a good commercial and military situation by locating on Afghanistan and Pakistan traffic route and it is the cause of being a good center to trade with India because of its privileged geographical and border location. In one hand, Pakistan railway enters to Iran from Mirjaveh border and on the other hand, Iran's railway ends up in this city.

Zahedan is one of the Iran transit ways by locating among the Khorasan, Kerman, Chabahar land ways. In addition to trade, Zahedan economy is depending on Agriculture. Required water of this city is supplied from subterranean wells, springs, rivers and Nime wells of Sistan. Local literature, clothes and music of this area are full of colors. Baloch Handicrafts include glim bafi, Needlework, Seke dozi, pottery and Zahedan architecture follow the Iran ancient architecture based on its tropical weather. Cultural diversity in this region is the result of immigration to Zahedan. Most of the people race who lives in this area is Aryan with different religions who speak in Frasi, Balochi, Sistani, Kermani, Yazdi and Khorasani dialects .

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