Chelgerd Ski Resort

Chelgerd Ski Resort


Chelgerd Ski Resort

Few Clouds

Koohrang Ski Resort is one of the tourist attractions of the Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, located 85 kilometers from Shahrekord city, and annually receives 20,000 to 30,000 visitors. The heavy winter snowfall in the Zardkuh mountains, which often reaches more than 15 meters, has created permanent glaciers in this area making it suitable for creating a desirable skiing resort. Koohrang Ski Resort is one of the well-known ski resorts of the Zagros Mountains which has been built as the second ski resort in the country in 1975, near the Koohrang Tunnel. The length of the Koohrang Ski Resort is approximately 800 meters, and its slope is 20%. The suitable facilities and the sunny weather on most winter days have made it famous. Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province and Koohrang city are full of various recreational and tourist attractions. Some of them include the Koohrang Tunnel, Sheikh Ali Khan Waterfall, Deymeh spring, as well as the village of Sar Aqa Seyyed.

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