Masnad Bafi in Ardebil

Masnad Bafi in Ardebil

Masnad Bafi in Ardebil


There are different kinds of climates in Iran, which has resulted in diversity and changes in the life style of people of each region. These life styles in turn affect their beliefs, religions, traditions and crafts. This is one of the reasons there are many kinds of handicrafts and hand woven products in Iran. One of these crafts is the “Masnad”. Masnad, that is a kind of usable Kilim, is specifically made in region of Namin and Anbaran of Ardebil. Its size is about 110 in 170 centimeters and like the other kinds of Kilim, it is woven on a loom.

They are either one-sided or double-sided. Naturally the double-sided Masnad is more expensive. Many of the Masnad are usually used as prayer rug and their pattern depict altars. There are other kinds of Masnad that are woven in these regions. They are made with various patterns and motifs, and are laid on floor for the guests. That is why they are named Masnad. The meaning of this word is “a place where a person sits or leans on”. It has even been used by great poets of Iran many times such as Rumi.

The patterns of Masnad are most commonly geometric, and cursive motifs are rarely used. The patterns are made by vertical lines and they are completely symmetrical. One feature of Masnad is the high contrast between the color of background and pattern. According to researchers the pattern and motifs of this kind of Kilim are borrowed from “Shirakipich” (another kind of Kilim from province of Kerman), but does not have the motif of paisley in center. “Matn” flower is a very popular motif that is called Keshmiri by local people, and is woven all over in the background.

The other flowers are Khara, Shah Abbassi, Garmayi, and Joft. Also two kinds of margins ornate the Masnad. One is called “Charkhi (circular) and the other “Vakili”. Other designs used to weave the Masnad are motifs of bushes, vases, flowers and hunting grounds. The material is raw or white cotton and monochrome wool yarn as the wefts.

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