Sekmeh Embroidery (Isfahan)

Sekmeh Embroidery (Isfahan)

Sekmeh Embroidery (Isfahan)


Sekmeh embroidery refers to a kind of fancywork in which the piece of fabric is put under pressure by the sewed in order to change its pattern in a desired way. This craft is restricted to Iran and its flourishing center is Isfahan city. Sekmeh embroidery has also a long history in Iran. This craft came to the existence before Islam but it flowered during the Islamic era. Iranian women used some veil to protect their hair to be visible. The main part of the veil placed right in front of their eyes was rectangular is shape with some Sekmeh embroidery works on it. 

The woman was able to look ahead clearly. This art is usually worked alongside some other embroidery like Cheshmeh embroidery, net sewing, Ashrafi Sewing, star sewing, Gol Ashrafi and hook sewing. Sekmeh embroidery refers to pulling some fibers out of the certain parts of the fabric and to filling out their space using the art of embroidery, in a way that it forms a regular pattern. The raw materials used in making these artworks are: Persian cotton fabric with simple texture, as thick as possible warps, perpendicular to each other.

 Velvet, satin and fabrics with dobby fibers are not suitable to this kind of craft. It usually needs the filled silk thread, yarn and the turban thread for Sekmeh embroidery and hook knitting, respectively. Hook knitting is used for reinforcing the cut point and they mark the outline of the pattern using hook knitting in advance. The choice of the pattern is done depending on the sewer or client taste, however, there is some popular motives like paisley, Torang and Sar Torang and half-Torang, Shamsa, various flowers, stars and so on. The Sekmeh embroidery final products are mostly used for decorating tablecloth, curtain, Quran bag, bed cloth, cushion Korsi cloth, napkin, cushion cover and the piece of fabric which is spread under the plate. 

Different kinds of stich are used in Sekmeh embroidery including chain stich, single-hook chain stich, French stich, satin embroidery, net embroidery, star stich, lace embroidery, Ashrafi embroidery, meshwork, stem embroidery, Dandan Mooshi. The tools required for this craft are loom, base, chair, thread, hook, cutter, thimble, scissors. The loom is prepared by the skillful workman. 

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