Sequin Sewing (Yazd)

Sequin Sewing (Yazd)

Sequin Sewing (Yazd)


The art of Sequin Sewing is generally defined as putting some golden sequins and sometimes the pure gold on the pieces of the silk or cotton fabrics which is usually combined with embroidery, glass beads, filigree, silk, purl and pearl stone. Sequin sewing is among those crafts which has a long history in Iran. From the era of Achaemenid empire then on, it has being continuously used for decorating the cloths, hats and curtains. For example, there is some evidence indicating the Achaemenid soldiers wore a felt hat which had been adorned with sequin sewing. They put also on a kind of sleeved coat with some sequins on them like the fish flakes. This craft is now popular in most provinces of Iran. It was used for adorning the wedding dress. 

Sequin sewing is usually done alongside glass beads sewing and embroidery. The popular motives are mostly flowers, leaves and stems, and they can add some creative and new patterns depending on the artist’s taste. The motives are typically flowers, animals, landscapes, vase flowers, alter, sun woman, Serv-e Naaz or birds sitting on the tree stems and cocks sitting alongside the trees, fish or other animals, paisley, candlestick and in some more decorated cases, some vases, a rose-water sprinkler, the sweet container, the fruit bowl, and a chandelier. In some products, the sun woman is placed in the center and there is a bird visible in each corner. Sequin sewing is usually used for decorating the curtains, bed cloth, tablecloth, prayer rug, cushion cloth, moneybags, eyeliner container, watch bag, pencase bag, pot bag, clothes, box cloth, cube sugar cloth, henna cloth, bindle, and so on.

 However, the material of sequin sewing has been changed today so that they don’t use the golden and silver sequins like in the past, and they use some plastic, brass or alloy sequins instead,  in different shapes, such as leave, flower, four- or five-petaled flowers, star, medallion, Torang, Shamsa, arabesque, flake, arc, shell, simple circle, jagged circle, rabbit ear, diamond, regular hexagon with small and big rounds, eye, round, hamate, jagged, point, triangle, ovate, decorative, hen, with a transparent coverage of a colorful material. There are different ways for sequin sewing including simple, hamate, relief, vertical and hook sewing.

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