Alamut castle, one of the unique historical castles in Iran, is located in the northwest of Qazvin province...
Qajar Bath or Garmabeh is one of the most popular tourism destinations of Qazvin which attracts many tourists...
One of the most important monuments of Safavid era is Chehel Sotoun or Kolah Farangi edifice in Qazvin...
Hamdollah Mostowfi Mausoleum, the great historian of the Ilkhanid period, has a special place among Qazvin people. He...
"Evan Lake" is located on the hillside of the Alborz mountain range and in the heart of the...
Sardar cisterns in Qazvin, a small and a large one, were built by the order of two brothers named Mohammad Hasan Khan Sardar and Mohammad Hossain Khan Sardar, who were rulers of Qazvin at the time of Fathali Shah.
Standing in the old Panbe Rise alley in Qazvin city, Cantor Church is a memorial of World War II...
The transfer of the capital city of Iran from Tabriz to Qazvin during the reign of Safavid kings led to the construction of various glorious and royal buildings and palaces in this city.