Khalat Pooshan Tower (The Robe Wearing Tower)

Khalat Pooshan Tower (The Robe Wearing Tower)


Khalat Pooshan Tower (The Robe Wearing Tower)

Few Clouds

About five kilometers east of Tabriz in Kargaj village there is a lofty brick tower known as Khalat Pooshan tower. This building has been remaining from Safavid era which in Qajar period was used as a monument in which the robes that were donated from the kings, were given to the governors and servants. This is a Hexadecimal building in three floors. The first and the second floor is roofed but the third one is an open. John Malcolm writes: "since the dominated governments of Iran wish to execute the traditional customs in governing, there are many ceremonials in Iran which have been widespread. For example, if one robe donated to a ruler from the king, they should have come in order to welcome from miles away, then wear the robe gratefully. Each governor has a special place in the suburb named Khalat Pooshan which is about four miles away from the city".

.The last ceremony of Robe Wearing in this building was done in 1951 during Samad Khan's dominion

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