Evan Lake

Evan Lake


Evan Lake

Few Clouds






"Evan Lake" is located on the hillside of the Alborz mountain range and in the heart of the Alamut Mountains. Alamut Area is one of the major natural tourism destinations which is also famous for being the venue of Alamut Castle. 
Evan Lake (some guidebooks call it Ovan Lake) is located within a 75-kilometer distance of the city of Qazvin. Evan, its name refers to the "gathering place of water". It is placed in the height of nearly two thousand meters. The area of this lake is about seven hectares. The depth is about seven meters, irrigated from underground boiling springs.
It is worth mentioning that every corner of the surrounding area of the lake is covered with white snow and a layer of ice covers the shallow of the lake in winter.
Fauna around Evan Lake includes species such as the goat, brown bear, fox, jackal, wolf, boar, caracal, eagle, falcon, owl, partridge, cuckoo, woodpecker, roller, and sparrow. Turtle and crab live along the water, and fish such as colorful trout, carp, and ducks live inside the lake.
About the flora around Evan Lake, we can find species such as willow, plane, apple, cherry, Russian olive, hazelnut, and walnut, etc. Plants such as reeds also live inside the lake water.
There are several attractions around the lake, which among them Alamut castle, Evan waterfall, the beautiful village of Zarabad with an amazing Plane tree, "Barajin" forest park, gardens of Qazvin can be named but a few.
Hunting and shooting are banned in the Alamut Area. Make sure to follow the instructions provided by forest rangers. Camera and camping equipment are musts of this trip after you check the weather. The Best season to visit this site is spring, when Evan Lake and its nature are outstandingly beautiful. Besides, there is a fun resort for visitors in summer. To enjoy the pleasant weather, the golden time to see is May to October. The climate of the lake is very cold in winter and autumn due to the high altitude of the lake and its location at the foot of Khoshchal Mountain.

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