Ferdows Hot Spring

Ferdows Hot Spring


Ferdows Hot Spring

Few Clouds

Due to its geographical situation, Ferdows is one of the important cities in South Khorasan Province. It was a large and famous city in ancient days. Situated in the way from central and southern provinces to Mashhad, this city plays a crucial role in this area. It is said that founded by the Medes, Ferdows is currently a city that in Islamic times became known as Toon or Tun, a name retained until 1929 when it was changed to Ferdows. Ferdows was still a famous and prosperous city in Khorasan at the beginning of the 20th century and the Municipality of Ferdows, originally formed in 1925 (under the name of Toon), was one of the first Municipalities of Khorasan province. But the city was devastated in a huge earthquake in 1968 and significantly declined thereafter.

This historical city includes many touristic attractions that Ferdows Hot Spring is of great value among them.

Ferdows Hot Spring is situated next to the main road which takes us from this city to Mashhad and it can be considered as an excellent place to rest after traversing long distances through deserts.

It seems there was a monument was built on this hot spring about two centuries ago. It was the hot spring where many went there to cure different types of diseases. It rises from the Earth's crust and earthquake fault. Another reason is its distance to the volcanic lava. It should be mention that after an earthquake in 1347 SH for two years there was no water in this spring because of the replacement of the earth’s crusts. However, it gradually returned to a normal situation.

Ferdows Hot Spring has been well equipped during the last years and now, it is one of the best areas in South Khorasan Province for entertainment. Swimming pool water treatment (for both men and women), Private baths, saunas, villa, cheap rooms, remarkable restaurants, and zip lines are some of the facilities in this touristic complex.

Ferdows Hot Spring is considered as the Eastern Health Tourism Hub. There are various minerals in this hot spring such as sodium chloride, sulfate, magnesium, bicarbonate, calcium, nitrate, and phosphate. These minerals are useful for curing different diseases like Rheumatic Diseases, Joint and Nervous Pains, or Muscle Cramps. Besides, it cures the pains in the spine area and lumbar Disk Disease (Herniated Disk).

 Ferdows Hot Spring is located about twenty-two kilometers north of Ferdows in the road to Bajestan, near an inactive volcano. The best time to visit Ferdows is from the end of winter to the middle of spring and also, autumn.

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