Bandar Abbas Museum of Water

Bandar Abbas Museum of Water

Bandar Abbas Museum of Water

Few Clouds






Bandar Abbas Museum of Water is located in 22 Bahman Street of Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan province. The building of museum is placed inside a construction related to Safavid period but it has been reconstructed and restored in a modern style. Being located in an arid and semi-arid region led to the invention of different methods of freshwater storage and extraction along history including digging water Qanats in the desert regions of Iran that is a kind of unique and smart engineering in water management, constructing the first pool of water storage and refinery in the historical site of Chogha Zanbil in Susa, the sewage system in Persepolis, Korit dam in Tabas and many other achievements.

The water shortage has made it a valuable issue among people in such a way that it has even a special position in the folk proverbs: “learn humility if you want grace, a high ground never gains water” OR “the new crock has cool water” OR “water is already in the jug and we are searching with thirsty lips” and many more.

Various water extraction systems are on display in this museum along with the resources and storages. Objects like jug that is locally called Jahleh, crocks with the local name of Kerosh, stone crocks namely Momo and the base of water skin with the local name of Moshk-e Tarouz are exhibited in this museum. In another part of the museum, there are many symbols and sculptures like cistern and Ghav Chah (the most traditional method of water drainage from the well by a cow that is still alive in a few regions of Iran for irrigating the gardens and fields).

In fact, the cow power has been today replaced by the electricity in this method! Other items exhibited in the water museum of Bandar Abbas are bridges, dams, the famous freshwater wells of Laft island, old objects and tools for digging well and Qanat like Ja’leh, Kandar, Charkh Pah and all things related to the water. This museum has a proper place for being informed about the historical works and monuments related to water.

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