Sarmaj Castle

Sarmaj Castle


Sarmaj Castle

Few Clouds

Sarmaj Castle is located in the village of Sarmaj Hossein Khan in Harsin County and was registered as one of Iran national monuments with registration number 6989 on December 31, 2002. This castle is a mountain castle constructed of materials including carved and uncarved stones, rubble stone, brick, clay, gypsum, and straw. The castle is surrounded by mountains to the south, east, and west, and to the north, it faces the large Chamchamal plain.

The southern wall of the castle is currently seven meters high, 37 meters long, and has a width of four meters, which was certainly larger in the past. The outer facade of this wall has been built with relatively large stone blocks, but the inner part has been created with rubble stone and gypsum mortar.

Like all castles, this castle had fortifications, which are currently seen as the remains of a hill at a distance of about 80 meters from the north-south sides of the castle, possibly from two watchtowers. The stone remains of a water channel can be seen in the western fence, where two walls have been separated due to destruction, and the surroundings and top of it have been arranged with stones. There was also a moat around the castle, which they filled with water during enemy attacks. The entrance gate of the building was probably located on the north-eastern side.

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