
Kurdistan Province
Time Zone


Few Clouds

Sarvabad is one of the cities of Kurdistan province located in 90km to Sanandaj, the capital city of the province. A main part of Uramanat that is one of the most attractive regions of Kurdistan province, is placed in this city.

Sarvabad city was formed in 1382 and back then it was one part of Marivan city. At present, this county consists of two cities and eight rural districts with a population of more than 66709. The weather of different parts of this city differs from mountainous and clod to almost temperate based on the height changes in different parts.

Uramanat or Huramanat region spreads over parts of Sanandaj, Kamyaran and Sarvabad. The mountainous nature, forest cover and the existence of rivers along with the stairway architecture of Uramanat villages have turned this region into one of the most beautiful parts of Kurdistan province that attracts many tourists each year. Siravan river that is one of the most important rivers of this region passes through Uraman. Sirwan is the longest river in Kurdistan province that ends in large Tigris river in Iraq. In addition, most of high peaks and those that are more than 300 meters can be seen in Uraman.

Uraman Takht village is of the most pleasant villages in Uraman region. The people of Uraman believe that this village had been some time the center of government and the capital of local rulers; given to the fact that the word Takht means the capital. The stairway architecture and the historical texture of Uraman along with the surrounding nature are among its most important characteristics.

The annual ceremony of Pir-e Shaliyar is one of the most well-known rituals among Uraman Takht people that is held every year, 45 days after the beginning of winter, at the same time as Sadeh Festival. Moreover, there is another ritual which is hold in the forty-fifth day of the spring named Kumsay in the place of the mausoleum of Pir-e Shaliyar.

The green and mountainous villages of Dezli and Daraki are other beautiful regions of this city. This area is considered to be one of the main promenades of local people and tourists. There also exist numerous villages in this area visiting them is highly recommended.

Bel mineral water spring is another tourism attraction of Sarvabad city located on the borderline of Kurdistan and Kermanshah provinces. This spring is in the middle of two villages of Nav in Kurdistan and Hajij in Kermanshah.

Significant handicrafts are produced in Uraman region interesting among them are Julaei (the traditional textile), sewing Kalash and wood industries.


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