West Azerbaijan Province


West Azerbaijan Province


West Azerbaijan is a border province in northwest Iran, located in a mountainous region with a history dating back to the pre-Islamic era.



Various governments ruled the region until the time when Medes gradually conquered Azerbaijan and other parts of the western regions of the country. At that time, Azerbaijan was called Little Media.

There are two main narratives about the name Azerbaijan: Some consider it a modified form of Azarabadegan, meaning the land of fire; because the largest Zoroastrian fire temple was located in this region.

Others believe Azerbaijan is derived from the name of a commander named Atropates. The commander who, during Alexander's invasion, maintained the independence of this region and caused the Arsacid rule to remain there. According to this narrative, the land was named after that commander, Atropatgan, which later changed to Azerbaijan.



West Azerbaijan is the thirteenth largest province in the country and is bordered by Nakhchivan and Turkey to the north, Turkey and Iraq to the west, East Azerbaijan and Zanjan to the east, and Kurdistan to the south. The commercial border in this province is the only transit border of Iran with Turkey.

The province has a good climate diversity. Forests, mountains, plains, pastures, and numerous lakes are habitats for many plant and animal species.



The climate of West Azerbaijan is influenced by moist air currents coming from the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. In some months of the year, with the arrival of cold air masses, the temperature drops sharply. The high mountains of West Azerbaijan prevent, to some extent, the entry of rainy air masses, yet this province has sufficient water resources.

Spring and summer are the best times to travel to most cities in the province, but many tourists also prefer the cold seasons to enjoy its different snowy landscapes.


Counties of West Azerbaijan Province

West Azerbaijan has sixteen counties; Urmia is the largest city and Showt is the smallest one. Other counties include: Oshnavieh, Piranshahr, Takab, Khoy, Chaldoran, Chaypareh, Poldasht, Sardasht, Salmas, Shahin Dezh, Maku, Mahabad, Miandoab, and Naghadeh.



Urmia is a city with a rich and eventful history, hosting people of various religions. The cultural diversity has granted Urmia a unique charm. The people of Urmia speak three languages: Azerbaijani Turkish, Kurdish, and Persian.

Undoubtedly, the most important natural attraction of the region is Lake Urmia. Despite the drying up of a large part of the lake and numerous environmental problems, Iran's largest saltwater lake still preserves its beauty.

Sheikh Tappeh Forest Park, with a view of the ancient Sheikh Tappeh hill, is also considered one of the tourist attractions of this city.

Urmia Grand Mosque is one of the most important remnants of Islamic civilization which has remained from the Safavid era. Urmia's historic bazaar is another remnant from the Safavid rule that still retains its architectural style from that era. The Three Domes building, St. Thaddeus Church, and Minaret Mosque are also some of the other attractions of this city.



Khoy, with its ancient history, is known as the city of sunflower fields because it is the largest center for sunflower and pumpkin seed production.

The Khatoon Bridge, dating back to the twelfth century, the tomb of Alamdar, Shams Tabrizi Tower, the historic bazaar, Motaleb Khan Mosque, Imamzadeh Seyed Behlol, Surp Sarkis Church, and the City Hall building of Khoy are some of the attractions that attract tourists' attention.


Shahin Dezh

Shahin Dezh, which borders East Azerbaijan to the north and Kurdistan to the south, is home to various ethnic groups. Turkish and Kurdish tribes, nomads, and Armenian, Zoroastrian, and Kalimi minorities live in this province.

Shahin Dezh was originally a fortress built by visitors to the Azargoshnasp fire temple. The Zoroastrian dignitaries who traveled to the fire temple built a fortress as a resting place along the way. At that time, trained falcons and eagles were used as guardians of the fortress. Eventually, the fortress grew larger and became a city. In the Islamic era, this city was known as Saein Qaleh, but in the Pahlavi era, it returned to its ancient name.

The Bibi Kand dakhma is one of the ancient monuments of this city, dating back thousands of years. Mount Pir Mohammad is a beautiful highland area and one of the natural attractions of Shahin Dezh.



Maku, near the Iran-Turkey border, is located in a valley through which the Zangmar River flows. The city is known as Daash Maku, meaning the stone Maku, because enormous stone walls surround the city on both sides. The largest natural stone mushroom in Iran is located in this city and amazes visitors.

Maku, along with Bazargan, Showt, and Poldasht, have formed the largest free trade zone in Iran. Therefore, trade and border markets in this area are thriving.

There are beautiful natural and historical attractions in and around Maku, some of which include: basaltic prisms, Kūh-e Qīyeh and the stone cupola, Kolah fanrangi mansion, Shir Khorshid mansion, Sardar Maku mansion, Sorayya spring, the most beautiful view of the Ararat peaks, Maku Roof (Baam), Jogh Castle Bridge, Zor Zor Church, and Baroon Dam Lake.



Finding proper options among the hotels and accommodations in the major cities of the province will not be difficult. For example, the five-star Ana Hotel in Urmia and the two-star Shahriyar Hotel in Bazarghan can be mentioned. There are also numerous eco-lodges in this province, such as Takht-e-Suleyman Eco-Lodge in Takab and Sultan Baglu in Khoy.



There is a great variety of restaurants in the province. If you are interested in traditional foods and kebabs, Mozaffarieh Ozoun Kebab Restaurant in Urmia is a good choice. Kamran Restaurant in Maku also serves various kebabs and Iranian dishes.


Local Foods

One of the most popular dishes in West Azerbaijan is Urmia Khoresh, made of a combination of lentils, meat, eggplant, potatoes, whey, and tomatoes.

Ash-e Doogh is another famous dish cooked in a unique style in each region. Azerbaijani Ash-e Doogh includes yogurt, chickpeas, tarragon, parsley, dill, and fresh garlic.

Morgh Koofteh is also a local dish of Azerbaijan, made from a mixture of chicken fillet, lavash bread, marjoram, tarragon, and egg.

Urmia has a famous street food called Yeralma Kebabi, which can be found in various stalls and shops. This food is made of baked potatoes, boiled eggs, and local vegetables.



West Azerbaijan has a variety of souvenirs; Noghl and carrot-walnut halva are the most famous souvenirs of the province, especially Urmia. Bastogh or Lozanak is another famous sweet in this city, made of starch. Honey and sunflower seeds of this region are also of high quality and are known as souvenirs. Herbal extracts, especially Pussy willow and Badranjbooyeh, have a good reputation, too. 



Carpet and rug weaving is popular in most cities of West Azerbaijan and is one of the famous handicrafts of the province.

Wood carving and marquetry are also pbserved among the handicrafts of this province. Roodoozi (a needlework art done with silk threads), traditional printing, and pottery are also recognized as part of the arts and crafts of this province.


 Customs and Traditions

The diversity of ethnicities and religions has made customs and traditions very diverse in West Azerbaijan.

People in this province celebrate Charshanbe Souri (Fire Festival) in a grand manner. This day has special traditions, especially in villages, one of which is shal-andazi (scarf weaving). In this ceremony, young people go to the rooftops of their relatives' houses to hang a scarf from the window. The homeowner fills the scarf with nuts and fruits wishing the young people the best.

Another tradition is fortune-telling on this day. Women sit in a hidden corner, place a key under their foot, and tell fortunes using the passing pedestrians' words.

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