
Sistan and Baluchestan Province
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Located in the southern hillside of Taftan peak in Sistan and Baluchestan province, Khash is a city in Sistan and Baluchestan province. Khash includes two cities, three counties and 11 rural districts. A part of Iran and Pakistan border is placed in the east of Khash city.
Taftan is one of the volcanic mountains of Iran that is considered to be the highest mountain of the southeast of the country. The height of this mountain is approximately 4000m. From the crater of this mountain a volcanic smoke is released containing water vapor, soil and sulfur gas. Khash is the host of many mountain climbers every year who are intended to climb the Taftan peak. 
The climatic conditions of Taftan are arid and warm, however, since the city is located in the hillsides of Taftan, the weather is relatively colder than the surrounding areas. The climatic conditions of Khash along with its fertile soil make the city a main agricultural center in Sistan and Baluchestan province. Khash farmers grow different products interesting among them are Armenian plum, walnut, almond, citrus, pomegranate, wheat and cumin. 
Irandgan castle is among the historical monuments of city of Khash related to Qajar period which was inscribed on the list of national monuments of Iran. Heydar Abad castle is another historical building in this city with a history of approximately 100 years. Morteza Ali shrine that seems to be belonged to the Timurid or Safavid dynasty is among the other visitable sites of Khash. Khash central mosque has been inscribed in the abovementioned list, too. Gavatamak cave is a natural tourism attraction of Khash.
Zarbin cedar of Sangan is in Khash city inscribed on the list of national natural monuments of Iran. This tree was one of the shrines of this region in the past where people tied a piece of fabric in order their prayers to be accepted. Zoroastrians extremely appreciate the cedar trees. The height of this one is about 30m.
Tanourcheh, Anardaneh stew, local Kashak, Gandom Shir, Sabzak, Torshak, Rapang, Maldig and Gevin are some of the local and traditional foods of Khash. 

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