
West Azerbaijan Province
Time Zone


Few Clouds

The city of Urmia is located within 20 km of Urmia Lake in the middle of the Urmia plain at an altitude of 1332 meters above sea level in West Azerbaijan Province. The weather in Urmia is fairly hot in summer and cold in winter. As it is mentioned, Urmia Lake, which is the largest inland lake in Iran and the second largest saltwater lake in the world, situated in this city.

With more than three thousand years of history, this city is the oldest city in the northwestern region of Iran, registered as the 19th historical city of Iran in UNESCO. 

Urmia metropolitan is the tenth most populous city in Iran and the second most populous city in the northwestern region of Iran. The city has been one of the trade centers of the region since the past due to its convenient location on the path connecting to some main regions. In fact, Urmia has been on the trade routes as customs for export and import of goods from Iran to other places and vice versa. It is also a favorable place for buying and selling agricultural and nomadic products of the people around this city. 

The city has the first modern hospital formation and is known as the first medical training center, the first modern school, the first local television network, the first local magazine in Iran and the capital of the volleyball of Iran. 

Urmia is an ethnic mix city with different religions and sects. The majority of the habitants of Urmia are Azerbaijani Turks as well as a minority of Kurds and Christians.

Although Urmia Lake is one of the most famous and eye-catching attractions both nationwide and worldwide, there are several historical or natural attractions which Jameh Mosque of Urmia could be one of them. Best season to visit this historical city is summer.


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